Yoville Angel's Wishlist
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Loving Daughter AFM
Samantha Hayes
Mrs Yo Daddy
anna del
Linda P
Mz. Sara
Bear Hudson
Trixie (tl90)
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Post by Mel Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:37 pm

Hope this is ok! If the members would post their real first name, their forum name, and in game name that would be great as some do not know each other! Feel free to add a little bit about yourself!

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Post by AliciaW Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:45 pm

Hi guys!! I'm Alicia in real life. My old forum name was AliciaW, and my new forum name is AliciaWilson (long story). My in game name is...you guessed it!! Alicia! I'm SO original! I've been playing YV since June 2009, and I can't seem to become un-addicted to it!!

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Post by Mel Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:45 pm

My name is Melissa
My in game name is Mel
My yo.com forum name is Moorem
I am a mother of three, 2 boys and a girl.
I go to school full-time for a Bachelors in Business and Minor in Sociology.
Be nice to me and I will be nice to you
Oh and sometimes I am crabby

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Post by greg Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:01 pm

My real name is greg
My forum name is greg60
My in game name is greg
That was easy huh?

Been playing since June 2009

Not as young as my avatar says I am, if you look at my forum name you can figure it out lol!

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Post by drae94 Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:26 am

My real name is Susan
My game name and forum name is drae94

I'm a single mother of two. A 17 year old boy, and a 7 year old girl (drama queen) LOL. I teach preschool for a living, and love my job! (most of the time). Very Happy I'm also not as young as my avatar says I am! LOL

Last edited by drae94 on Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by PersCat Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:48 am

My first name is Sandra , forum and in game Perscat
I'm 34, married nearly 2 years with one son from previously who's 14. I don't work due to health and mobility issues, or get out of the house much at all really ...yo is my escape! I'm Pagan and a practising Witch with leanings toward Celtic and Norse traditions. I love to read..anything I can get my mitts on really but favourites are horror,thrillers and urban fantasy. I'm a medical geek and love to learn anything related to our bodies etc! I've studied the tarot on and off for around 10 years and would love to learn to trust my abilities enough to become a professional reader one day! Music wise I like a bit of everything but am a rock chick at heart and can always been won over by drums and a hard guitar! I'm also a huge fan of horror movies and anything a little macarbe!

Very Happy

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Age : 47
Location : Lalaland

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Post by Paige/Gdaydreamer Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:26 am

My real name is Gina, but no one uses that anymore, everyone knows me by Paige due to my hubby's radio show. In game I am Paige, in forum I am Gdaydreamer. I even answer to hey you lol. I am 33 for about another month, married almost 4 yrs to my highschool sweetheart that I hadn't heard from in over 12 years. Two beautiful step kiddies. The boys in the house are type 1 diabetics which keeps life interesting, nothing to report on us girls in the house Very Happy We have an old B horror movie website called The Horror Academy, and we play old radio shows, old public domain movies, and almost any kind of music on the internet radio shows *warning, do not come to the shows if you don't like obnoxious humor or bad language. I am currently not working, which is a constant stress, but I haven't lost hope. My best friend in the whole world is Mars in game aurora8004 on forum sunny
I have a sarcastic sense of humor, which tends to come across wrong to those that don't know me, if I tick you off let me know, odds are better than not I didn't mean it the way it came out lol. I always try to look on the bright side or find the humor in things, even when I am stressed, angry or venting I still have that sarcastic edge affraid
If I forgot something ask, this is already probably more than you want to know hehe
Firm believer in you be nice to me I will be nice to you, color, race, beliefs, opinions etc. don't matter a good person is a good person I love you

Posts : 58
Join date : 2011-07-14
Age : 46

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Post by rebeccarain Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:08 am

hey old Wishlisters! I am Rebecca or Bec or becca! ingame and forum name is Rebeccarain. I know many of you from old WL, but there are a few i havnt met yet. cyclops I love you
I really miss all the chatting and sharing of our lives! I have been so busy lately that i tend to pop in and out.. i am hoping to connect a bit more...
I have 2 gorgeous sons, one is 22 and one is 6!.. I love you
I am studying my masters of social work and have just been offered some relief work in a residential care house looking after children deferred by child safety.. and i love it... I have also been doing work with an organisation called young carers.. they are children between 10 and 18 who care for a parent or sibling and we take them out for a day of fun or a weekend of camping. I love doing this work!!! Smile
I love all meditation, the tarot, the spiritual, .. but am so focussed on life that i have been neglecting that part of myself.. need some balance!.. well i am a libra!! Laughing

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Age : 57
Location : Australia

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Post by Trixie (tl90) Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:19 am

Hi I'm Teresa in RL, tl90 in the old forums and Trixie in game.
I am a stay at home mum due to a back injury and atm I am looking for things that I can do rather than the things I can't do anymore.
Trixie (tl90)
Trixie (tl90)

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Age : 25
Location : Kingswood NSW outside sunny Sydney


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Post by Sally Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:41 pm

Hi guys...I'm Cindi G in RL and Mifantysi/Sally in game, although I haven't been "in game" in quite some time. I still play yo, but only with themes that I like. I used to want everything in every theme...lol Of course yo prices don't allow that anymore anyway! I've been playing yo since August of 2009 and loved the wish list (spent way too many hrs on there). I am one of the older players as I just turned 50 Sad but hey is better than the alternative....lol I am married, have three grown children and 7 grandchildren. I waited til my kids grew up and moved out to go back to school and have been a RN for a couple of years now. Hoping everyone has a GREAT weekend! Very Happy


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Post by BirdieKity Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:29 pm

hard to miss me
Birdie Kity
BirdieKity forum and in game name
not sure when I started YO but the forum was what kept me playing - meeting so many wonderful people and having fun gifting!

Posts : 39
Join date : 2011-07-15
Age : 53

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Post by Bear Hudson Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:46 pm

My real life name is Carl Hudson. But most people just call be Bear.

Forum name was and is Bear Hudson. Generally, you will only see me on the yoville forums when I'm searching to buy something.

I'm really laid back. It's unusual to find me stressed. I'm also somewhat shy, until you get to know me than I you can't shut me up. I am a full time college student, studying data security and forensics. For the next couple weeks I am 31.
Bear Hudson
Bear Hudson

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Age : 45
Location : Mannford, Oklahoma

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Post by Mz. Sara Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:21 am

Well hello fellow yoangels! My name is Sara and many of you know me as Mz. Sara or PrettynPink. I joined yoville almost 3 years ago and have made several great friends in game and on forums. I am currently a full time college student and pursuing a degree in psychology. My dream is to someday help the world. I also work doing storage auctions (as seen on tv). My mom has been doing it for 14 years and I just recently joined in her business. It is stressful, hard work but it pays the bills and keeps me busy. I loveeeeee shopping lol.. I am a clothoholic (in real life) and love each and every piece of clothing I own.

Mz. Sara

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Age : 34
Location : Littlerock, CA

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Post by Pinky Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:18 pm

My original forum name/game name was Pinky, game name later changed to Wonderwoman (current name) and real name is Mary. I've been playing Yo since Aug 2009.
I also like to play Farmtown & Bejewelled Blitz.
I live in Aus with my husband, dog & the chooks.... and the local wildlife (possums, kangaroos etc).


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Post by chimikatz Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:35 pm

My name is Susie in real life, forum and game name is Chimikatz. I use that name because I created it 25 years ago when my husband and I started our cattery. It is my cattery name. We bred and showed Persian Cats to many National Wins. I am a widow, my husband, Paul, passed away 3 1/2 years ago from cancer. We were married for 36 years. I am a mother and grandmother. I am retired. My son, AaronD is also a very active player in Yoville.

I used to build dollhouses and miniatures as my hobby. I am a Yoville Addict!!!! I love to decorate the houses. I have met so many wonderful people here, who have become truly great friends in real life. They have helped me so much with my grief and made my life so much richer and less lonely.

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Age : 75
Location : Indianapolis, IN

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Post by Linda P Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:41 pm

Hi everyone. I'm Linda P...here, in game, and on Forum. It's just easier for an old fart like me to remember when it's all the same. Real name is Linda Very Happy Tanner1 invited me and I'm so glad she did. I do get a bit tired of all the drama on the forum at times. I, like my friend chimikatz, am a Yo addict. I love the friends I've made and enjoy decorating. Do have to admit that I'm waaayyyy behind in that area. Keep buying houses lmao. I like to gift, but tend to do so carefully. Oops, have to run for now. Will be back later to visit and figure this site out. Thanks to the dear person who started it. Hugs everyone.... sunny
Linda P
Linda P

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Post by Kym1985 Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:37 pm

So good to see you, Paige! I've been wondering forever where you'd gone. And Mars, too. Is she over here as well? (Hoping so.)

My name is Kym (really Kimberly, shortened to Kim, but it's such a common name I spelled it this way -- Kym -- in high school and college to differentiate myself a bit, and then again for MySpace and then Facebook. Smile

Forum name is Kymtastic, and YV name is KK. I really am a nice person but occasionally just have to tell someone acting like an idiot on the WL thread to knock their crap off. I'd actually do it more often if I wasn't afraid I'd get kicked out of YV, but ... yeah. In general, if you're nice to me and nice to others, I'll be nice to you.

I'm married and have 3 kids. My daughter is 25 and my sons are 16 and 14.


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Age : 57
Location : Somewhere over the rainbow and across the state line

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Post by anna del Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:03 pm

i know some of u already and the rest im looking forward to knowing Smile

im ankita in real life, anna in the game and anna del on the forums.im from India and ive been playing YV since December 2009, though i joined it in July 2008.

ive completed my masters in business administration and im currently studying for the Ambassador service of the govt. of India

anna del

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Post by Linda P Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:05 pm

Hello Anna, it's nice to meet you. KYM.....HUGS GIRL! Woot!
Linda P
Linda P

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Post by DarkVegan Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:59 am

Yo Yo Yo, Everyone!

I recognize lots of you fine Pimp Squad peeps!!

In game and on forums name DarkVegan
Real name is Stephanie
I have a 4 year-old son and a 32 year old Baby Daddy- Yes, I am a MILF and a Cougar hahahahaha! J/k our age dif isn't really that large. It's our mental age, so in short I have two children Bahahahahaha! I joke. Kinda...
So, I like karaoke, Yoville and reading. I love some Facebook and accept everyone who is kind enough to send a friend request, but with the disclaimer; I say what I want on there. I have tried to clean it up a bit. I am not vulgar except on Wednesdays. Wink
I am 38, clean houses for a living, so I make my own schedule and I do as I please.
Yes, life is so freakin pimp!!
Looking forward to getting to know those of you I do not. As saying Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! To those I have missed Wink

Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-07-14
Age : 51
Location : PimpVille Yo - Ok, Pelham, Alabama


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Post by Cynnamyn Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:21 am

Hello Everyone,
My name is Cinnamon.
My yo name is Cynnamyn.
I am 33 years old. I have been married 14 years as of today.
I have 2 beautiful children. They are Keri michelle. She is 9 and will be 10 next month.
And my son is Phillip Andrew. He will be 5 in december.
I am a breast cancer survivor of 4 years and 5 momths. I am also admin of Yo Tv on Facebook.And I just love seeing others happy.
Other than that I live in missouri and I just love spending time with my family.
And well I guess that is it.
Hugs Cynnamyn

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Location : McKenzie,Tn

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Post by Aaron Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:53 am

Well Hi their cheers

My Name is Aaron R Dailey
Name here is Aaron
Yo is Aaron R Dailey with other multiple acct names (Jeff Dailey, Chester Inman, Aaron Dailey)
Yo Forum is AaronD

I am 42 and I have three wonderful children, two of which I see often Joshua -20 & Shania -15, the oldest I haven't seen in about a year , Cierra -22 is my step daughter from my first marriage. I have no children from second marriage. Who knows if their will be a third marriage??? still looking for the right one. Thought I had it with first marriage but after 15 years she didn't agree. lol! anyway I am retired and live at my moms (chimikatz) house (i rent out lower level of her home) to help us both out in these trying times for all

I have had multiple spine surgeries with stainless steel rods and screws in my lower to mid back and a titanium plate in my neck to hold me together. Rolling Eyes I do not set off the alarms at the airport haha

I live in Indianapolis, Indiana and will be returning to Phoenix, Arizona to be closer to my youngest and oldest daughter soon. financially provided that is...My son resides with me here
I have been playing yoville since early 09 I log in everyday but the amount of time playing depends on my health that day. pale

Please feel free to add me on Facebook

Aaron R Dailey: a.dailey@comcast.net
my alts are:
Chester Inman: aaronrdailey@gmail.com
Jeff Dailey: dailey.a@hotmail.net
Aaron Dailey: ardailey@yahoo.com

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Age : 54
Location : Indianapolis, Indiana

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Post by Linda P Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:33 pm

Oh thanks for the added info Aaron! I'm a friend of your Mom's in Yoville and it's so nice to know who she is always talking about lol. Will send you a friend request too with Yoville in the subject line.
Linda P
Linda P

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Post by tessy Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:37 pm

Hi my name is Lilly
forum name is tess2009
game name is tessy

I have two beautiful little girls who love yoville as much as I do.
Jade is melody and she loves to dress up.
Amber is cloeydoll and she loves to decorate.

I've been happily married for over 10yrs now and still on my honeymoon lol. I've been playing yoville for over 2 yrs now and so much has changed but friends remain the same Very Happy

Last edited by tessy on Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:43 am; edited 2 times in total

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Post by lilmaureen Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:20 pm

Real name: Maureen
Forum name: lilmaureen
In game name: lilmaureen



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